New Client Check List

New Client Check List

Granting Admin Access

In order for the HG Pro team to design, manage or otherwise improve your WordPress website, please grant admin access to Rico Erecre, our WordPress guru. His email is [email protected]. You can do this by logging into your WordPress dashboard, going to Users, Add New, adding Rico as admin and clicking Save.

Please grant Rico access to manage your domain settings wherever it is registered. For example, you may have a domain at Godaddy, Namecheap, Bluehost, Wix, etc. Log into your domain registrar, select your domain and select Manage. Then, find where you can add a manager and invite Rico by email entering [email protected].

Note: Manager access is enough. You should always keep admin access over your domain that way you are always in total control.

Granting Admin Access

Please grant Rico, our site guru, access to manage your domain settings wherever it is registered. For example, you may have a domain at Godaddy, Namecheap, Bluehost, Wix, etc. Log into your domain registrar, select your domain and select Manage. Then, find where you can add a manager and invite Rico by email entering [email protected].

Note: Manager access is enough. You should always keep admin access over your domain. That way you are always in total control.

We recommend purchasing your domain at Namecheap. Once you have one, we can continue building your site on your domain.
Log into your domain registrar (where your domain is registered), find your domain and click on Manage. Then, under DNS settings, add Rico at [email protected] as a manager with manager access.

Follow this video to see how to add a manager in Namecheap.

Details and Content about your site

Please submit to us the following details below. This form will mimic your site layout and overall appearance. Based on the information provided below we will create sample sites to choose from.

Please take time to look for the best idea that fits your business and brand. 

Header and Navigation bar

The header of a website is the consistent area at the top of the site that includes the logo, Tagline, or Slogan and Navigation menu.

Details and Content about your Business Site

Please submit to us the following details below. This form will mimic your site layout and overall appearance. Based on the information provided below we will create sample sites to choose from.

Please take time to look for the best idea that fits your business and brand. 

Header and Navigation bar

The header of a website is the consistent area at the top of the site that includes the logo, Tagline, or Slogan and Navigation menu.

Pick 3 colors for your logo

Tagline or Slogan

A tagline is one short phrase (usually no more than 8 words) that describes the purpose, product, service, or philosophy of your company. The tone of the tagline sets the voice for your business, and should appeal directly to the type of client/customer you are trying to attract. Keep it clear. Confused customers don’t buy.
The tagline is your slogan.

Primary Navigation

All websites should have primary navigation. Primary navigation is typically a list of prominent links toward the top of the page, with titles that help users determine where they want to go from wherever they are at on the site. The primary navigation features the parent pages of a website, which are typically broad topics leading users to related, more detailed, child pages.

Secondary Navigation

Secondary navigation is typically found in the website header above the primary navigation. While the primary navigation is considered the main nav, secondary navigation can include helpful items for users that maybe need to be highlighted. A lot of times you’ll find action items like Log In, Donate, or Volunteer.

Sample Primary and Secondary Menu:

Social Media and other Links

If you have existing social media accounts that are related to the site, or a partner site please list them here:

Colors and Fonts

Please indicate the colors and fonts you prefer using the color’s HEX code.

Select Color

Select your desired color for your site. You can select at least four colors. The colors should somehow match your logo.


Your preferred fonts. We don’t recommend customize fonts because it will affect your site performance and some device don’t support customize fonts. We have a good library of fonts and we will somehow match your preferred fonts to our fonts. 

You can refer to this article for a good website fonts

Hero Image

A large banner image, prominently placed on a web page, generally in the front and centre.” The hero image can be static or dynamic (videos and animations) and it typically covers the full-width of the webpage.

Sample hero images:

Call to Action

A call to action (“CTA”) is the part of a website that incites visitors to take action.  It usually involves an attention-grabbing headline, a sentence or paragraph about the benefits of taking the action, and a button or opt-in box.

About Us

Describe your company, how it started, who’s on your team, etc. Customers buy based on clarity and connection. Introducing yourself, your company and your team on your about page provides a connection.


Describe the product(s) you offer.


Describe the service(s) you offer.

Privacy Policy

If you have your own privacy policy, please put it in here:

Additional Details

If you have something to add, please do so here. 

Research your competitors’ websites or find websites you like the look of. Not only will this help to narrow down your website’s objective, but will give us an idea of what kind of style and design you want to achieve from your new website.

List your competitors’ sites

Websites you like: