Much More Than Online Solutions
Where to start?
Whether you’re a consultant, freelancer, solopreneur or just someone who wants to turn a hobby into additional income, you’ve come to the right place. You’ll find that getting yourself, your brand or your products and services online in front of a bigger audience can be overwhelming. We’ll guide you how to get started asap and set up a solution that will grow with you not against you.
Who loves our services?
Our services are ideal for consultants, freelancers, solopreneurs, those with one or multiple side-gigs and budding entrepreneurs. Life is busy and you need your time back. Let us show you how nice it feels to win back your time starting with your website and getting rid of menial tasks. Need to outsource more tasks or even hire a virtual assistant? We’ll help you with that too.
What We Do For You
Burnout Happens When You Get Tied Up Doing Things You Don’t Enjoy.

Love what you do but admin work holding you back?
You have a killer idea but administrative work bores you to tears? Or maybe you have no technical skills. Maybe you think setting up and running your own website is not affordable. Perhaps you are just coming up with excuses why NOT to start. Let’s get one thing straight. The best time to start your idea, project, hobby, dream, million-dollar epiphany is NOW. We’ll get you over the hump of the technical administrative mumbo jumbo and the only excuse not to start will be the guy, or gal, in the mirror.
You have big ideas that require your attention.
As an entrepreneur, you wear many hats. The more you can automate and outsource mundane tasks, the more you can focus on what’s important like your customers and the things only you can and should be doing.
Why use a custom domain?
When you’re growing your brand, you need your own domain with an authentic site. Going with free or cheap website builders limits you to their ads and packages. Your customers will take you more seriously and if you’re really in it for the long-haul to build a recognizable brand that will become a business instead of a fad, you’ll need to establish authority from the beginning.
Dear freelancer…
As many freelancers perfect their skills and see their clientele increase, they often spend too much time on administrative tasks which takes time away from maximizing client time. The ones who don’t optimize time with the use of tools often get burnt out as the admin instead. We offer extremely affordable services that save you from monotonous work that you don’t care for.
Why not use an “all-in-one” solution like a website builder?
Many have been there, done that. DIY site builders make it seem so easy to get your business online. It is at first. But once you get to a point where you need more flexibility and customized integrations, you’ll be paying way more than you expected and you’re still limited in functionality. When you’re ready to make the jump to a better solution, you’ll have a hard time migrating your site to a better service. For almost every business, we recommend going with WordPress from the start. It’s super affordable and scalable.
Dear consultant…
Consultants, there are way more important things you should be spending your time on rather than the settings and configurations of how your site looks or how your online booking tool works.
Websites Promote You 24/7: NO EMPLOYEE WILL DO THAT
Website Setup
Domain Registration
Site Hosting
WordPress Setup
Essential Plugins
Email Setup
Website Design
Layout & Configuration
Essential Pages
Stock Media
Website Maintenance
Online Essentials
Business Essentials
Analyze your Audience
Find & Select Suitable Domain
Pinpoint your Ideal Customer
Determine Monetization
Clarify your Message
Channels to Reach your Audience
Analyze Tools you’ll Need
Communicate with Customers
Collaborator with Team Members
Blog Post & Articles
Videos & Podcasts
Social Media
Grow & Optimize your Business
Establish Processes
Outsource Menial Tasks
Social Media
Consider Your Opportunity Costs
What Does Time Cost You?
If your time is worth $50 an hour, don’t waste your time doing what you could pay someone else to do for much less.
Pricing Options
Auto Pilot
Per Month
WE design your premium site. Get licenses to & setup of premium plugins in addition to 6 hours of
additional work by a WordPress expert per month. Business tools INCLUDED!
Per Month
WE design a standard site for you. Get licenses to premium plugins in addition to 3 hours of work by a WordPress expert per month. Faster hosting INCLUDED!
Per Month
DIY STARTER plus WE design a basic site for you. No technical knowledge required. Get licenses to essential premium plugins in addition to 1.5 hours of work by a WordPress expert per month.
DIY Starter
Per Month
Use the best website builder (Elementor Pro) to build your own site on the best platform (WordPress) without the initial technical setup & configuration. Hosting and license for Elementor Pro INCLUDED!